System & Station
Program *05 – Call Park Pickup Abbreviated Dialing
3-22 Strata DK Programming 5/00
Program *05 – Call Park Pickup Abbreviated Dialing
Processor Type: DK14, DK40i, all RCTUs and BCUs
Program Type: System
Initialized Default: Blank
Program *05 Overview
This program assigns two Call Park Pickup abbreviated dialing codes to pick up parked calls. For
dialing convenience, the 1- (or 2-) digit abbreviation for Call Park Pickup replaces the Call Park
access codes #331 and #332. To park calls, Code #331 and #332 must still be used if the Program
3DUNLQ2UELW buttons are not available on a telephone. Changing the #331 and #332 codes only
applies to Call Park Pickup.
♦ LED 01 blanks out the Call Park abbreviated dialing data.
If Park Pickup code #331 is changed to the digit “1”, Park Pickup functions by dialing 1XXX,
where XXX is the orbit number in which the call is parked.
DATA = 1 or 2 digit abbreviated
dialing for Call Park Pickup.
SELECT = Call Park type:
1 = Change #331 Call Park Pickup Code
2 = Change #332 Call Park Pickup Code
It is only necessary to change one code, but
each code can be changed to the same or
different Park Pickup dialing codes.