Program *12 – CESID Station Information
Strata DK Programming 5/00 8-11
Program *12 – CESID Station Information
Processor Type: DK40i, all RCTUs and BCUs (Release 4.3)
Program Type: System
Initialized Default: Data Blank
Program *12 Overview
This program assigns the Caller Emergency Service Identification (CESID) information that will
be sent to the CAMA trunk using Multi-Frequency (MF) signals.
When a station dials 911, the E911 feature causes the DK to seize the CAMA trunk and send 911,
11 or 1 (per Program *11-5) plus the station’s unique CESID information entered in this program.
This CESID information is also sent to the displays of internal notification consoles and stations.
The CESID information can be 7 or 10-digits maximum (per Program *11-0, LED 01). Note that
the digits sent on the CAMA trunk are MF tones, so they cannot be checked with a DTMF test set.
The digits entered in this program for each station is normally a unique telephone number for each
station or station location (i.e., office, room, building, etc.). The exact CESID digit format required
✱ ✱ ✱ ✱6SNU✱ +ROG 6SNU ; ; +ROG 6SNU +ROG 6SNU +ROG
Processor Port Range Processor Port Range
DK14 000~009 B1CU 000~055
DK40i 000~027 B2CAU/BU 000~111
RCTUA 000~031 B3CAU/BU 000~191
RCTUBA/BB 000~079 B5CAU/BU 000~335
RCTUC/D 000~239
RCTUE/F 000~335
Location CESID
Location CESID
Location CESID
Location CESID
X = Location CESID digits to send on
CAMA trunk when station dials 911
(0~10 digits max.) See Program *11,
LED 01 for 7 or 10 digits.
Station Port Number (see legend)