Least Cost Routing
Program 50-2 – LCR Home Area Code
5-6 Strata DK Programming 5/00
Programs 50-3 (1~5) – LCR Special Codes
Processor Type: DK14, DK40i, all RCTUs and BCUs
Program Type: Least Cost Routing
Initialized Default: 911 in 31, all other codes blank
Programs 50-3 (1~5) Overview
This program allows special 1~4 digit codes such as 911 to be routed over the local call route
immediately when dialed. If Enhanced 911 (E911) is required, E911 programs should be used
instead of this program.
You can enter five special codes in the spaces provided next to 31~35. The codes can be a
maximum of four digits, and should include items such as 911 for emergency calls, and 411 or
1+411 for local information, etc.
When any of these codes are dialed, LCR is flagged to treat the call as follows:
♦ The call is sent over the local call route plan specified in Program 50-5.
♦ No additional digits need to be dialed. They are not necessary. Therefore, the call is put
through immediately.
SELECT = Special Code (4 Digits) Examples
31 911
32 411
DATA = Special Code
Enter the code from the table below.
Key 01 = blank
SELECT = 31~35
Enter 31~35 to indicate
the special code.