System & Station
Program 77-1 – Peripheral Options (Door Phones)
3-166 Strata DK Programming 5/00
LED 14: RMDS or IMDU Modem
DK424 and DK424i: This program enables the built-in maintenance modem function: RMDS
or IMDU. If LED 14 is off, the RSIU Port (1~4) which is set for TTY operation (Code 1 in
Program 76-1) will operate as a local RS-232 maintenance port. If RSIU is not configured as
TTY, then the PIOU/PIOUS/RSSU that has code 41 set in Program 03, will operate as a local
TTY maintenance port.
Only one built-in modem RMDS or IMDU can be used in the DK424 or DK424i; if both are
installed, RMDS will be accessed when a CO line direct rings the modem or is transferred to
the modem by dialing
♦ DK40i: Turn LED 14 On if the optional PIOU or PIOUS has Remote Maintenance from the
IMDU modem subassembly. If an IMDU is installed on a DK40i PIOU or PIOUS, it can be
accessed by dialing station #19 (unless the access code prefix has been changed with Program
Other system Programs that are related to the system modem are: Program 76, RMDS/TTY
assignments on RSIU PCB; *-51~53, system CO line to modem ringing assignments; Program
71-1, DNIS line to modem ringing assignments; Program *09, DID line to modem ringing
assignments; Program 77-1, LED 15, RMDS modem Protocol/speed assignments.
If a modem unit (RMDS/IMDU) is installed, it can be accessed by dialing Station #19 and can be
assigned a DID extension number in Program *09 or in Program 71 (1~3). See Program 79 and
Program *79 for door phone ringing assignments.
LED 10: DKi Admin/Backup
Enables the system to Upload/Download the RCTU RAM data base using Toshiba DKi Admin
and/or DKi Backup software program. DKi Admin/Backup will automatically turn LED 10 On
when the DKi Admin/Backup PC communicates with the DK424. LED 10 should be Off if the
maintenance PC is using standard communication software (such as Procomm™) to program the
LED 08: Door Phone Ring On External Page
If a door phone button is pressed, a ring tone can be enabled or disabled to external paging when
the system is in the Night mode. Activation of a Tenant 1
1LJKW7UDQVIHU button is required to
activate this feature. The Tenant 2~4
1LJKW7UDQVIHUa buttons do not apply to door phones.
CO lines must be assigned to night ring over External Page (Program 78-1) to allow the NT relay
to operate when incoming CO lines ring. See Programs 79 and *79 for door phone ringing
LED 07: Door Lock Relay/External Page Relay
A relay on the PIOU, PIOUS, or PEPU can be assigned to operate with the Door Lock function or
with External Page for mute control. The door lock button (
8QORFN'RRUa) is assigned in
Program 39; the door lock activation time is assigned in Program 77-1. This door lock function is
not associated with the DDCB or HDCB door lock, but is an addition to them.
This option applies to the PIOU/PIOUS/PEPU Door Lock Control 0 assigned to electronic or
digital telephone buttons using Code 471 in Program 39; it does not apply to DDCB or HDCB
Door Lock Control.