Toll Restriction
Program 43 – 0 + Credit Card Dialing Option
4-12 Strata DK Programming 5/00
Program 43 Overview
This program enables selected station users to bypass their normal Toll Restriction assignments by
dialing “0” immediately after seizing a CO line. Both the station and the line must be enabled for
this feature with this program.
After seizing the line, the station user is required to dial a specific number of digits, which includes
the leading 0. This digit-length requirement forces the user to dial a telephone number or a
telephone number plus a credit card number. As a result, these calls are billed to the credit card,
and operator-placed calls are not billed to the line. The digit length, 1~30 numbers, is set in
Program 60-7. This length is determined by the system’s call routing method.
If the number of digits set in Program 60-7 are not dialed, the call will be cut off 20 seconds after
the last digit is dialed.
When not dialing via LCR, the digit length should usually be 25 which is the sum of the digits in
the telephone (11) and credit card (14) numbers. When using LCR, a digit length of 11 is
Stations that are enabled with 0 + credit card calling should not be restricted for dialing 0 or 01 in
Programs 46 (10~80) and 48.
Important! More digits than the length set in Program 60-7 are allowed to be dialed; there is no
limit to the amount of digits that can be dialed.