System & Station
Program 59 – Attendant Console Flexible Button Codes
Strata DK Programming 5/00 3-143
System & Station
● See Program *15 for Tenant Group assignments.
● Picks up calls to telephones in any call pickup group to which the telephone is assigned in
Program *31.
● Attendant consoles cannot be equipped with [SDNs] or [PhDNs]. The console [DN] is
assigned to the console port number in Program 04. The console’s [DN] can have only one
● Attendant consoles cannot be equipped with [PDNs], [SDNs], or [PhDNs]. The [In-DN]
button is the console’s [DN], assigned in Program 04; it supports incoming calls only and can
only appear once on a console.
Call Park and Page Call Park/Page or CP/PG 463 Parking and Paging Park Pickup.
Call Pickup (Directed) Directed Pickup or PKUP 484
Picks up ringing or held intercom, trunk
calls, and page.
Call Pickup (Group)4 Group Pickup 480
Picks up a call to any group to which
station is assigned in *31.
Do Not Disturb Do Not Disturb or DND 498 Prevents calls to station.
ISDN Sub-address Sub-address 467
Separates the called party’s ISDN sub-
address from the called party number.
digit performs this function on
standard telephones.
ISDN Start Start 469
Initiates DK to send dialed digits to the
ISDN network when this button is pressed
from a digital or electronic telephone.
Program *63-2 invokes the same function
when the Dial Timer expires. Also see
Tone Button in this table.
LCD Message Select LCD Msg Select or LCD M 481 Begins LCD message selection.
Night Transfer Lock
Tenant 1~Night Transfer
Lock Tenant 4
Night Lock1 or NT1 L1~Night Lock4
or NT4 L4
Used to lock system ringing mode: DAY,
DAY2, NIGHT See Programs 74 and *36
for NT Lock Password assignments.
Release and Answer Release and Ans and RLS/ANS 466
Simulates On-hook/Off-hook operation to
release an existing call and answer new
incoming/ringing call.
Save Last Dialed Number Save Last Number or SAVE 485
Saves last number dialed for future speed
Station Speed Dial Codes SD
Reserves button for station speed dial for
the following processors:
*10~*49 RCTUBA/BB,
*100~*139 RCTUE/F, B5CAU/BU
System Speed Dial Codes SD
Speed dial number is set by station port
*600~*699 RCTUBA/BB,
*600~*699 RCTUC/D, B2CAU/BU, B3CAU/BU
*200~*999 RCTUE/F, B5CAU/BU
Tone Tone Dial Select or TONE 490
CO dial signals set to tone or pulse.
For ISDN applications, after the user
presses the Tone Dial Select button, any
digits dialed after it is will be sent using
DTMF tones.
Table 3-8 Additional Feature Button Codes (continued)
Button Function Button Labels Code Notes