Tatung 100 IP Phone User Manual

IP Phone 100 User Manual Guide Document Ver. 1.8
IP Phone Ver. 113/503(Normal and PPPoE)
disabled at the mean time. (ex. h323 –e164-2 x)
9. –alias: identify ID for the IP Phone 100 to register to the GateKeeper (h323 –alias
“X”)..The default alias is related to MAC address of IP Phone, so each IP Phone has
different alias.
10. –tokenpwd: To set RRQ/ARQ authentication token password.(h323 –tokenpwd
“password” ; h323 –tokenpwd x to disable this function)
(A) LCD menu password: User can enter LCD system configuration by key in this
password and default value is lowercase “x.” (press TRANSFER to switch lowercase
and uppercase).
(B) H.235 security: To set RRQ/ARQ authentication token password. If IP Phone wants
to register to a GateKeeper, which implement H.235 security token feature, IP Phone
has to set a RRQ/ARQ authentication token password, which is provided by
GateKeeper manager. IP Phone can’t work normally with this GateKeeper unless
Token Password is set.
11. –gkdis: set auto discovery function on or off. If this function is enabled and IP address of
GateKeeper is set as, IP Phone will multicast to search a GateKeeper on
network with configured GateKeeper name(please refer to 6.-gkname); if IP address of
GateKeeper is set, before IP Phone register to the assigned GateKeeper, it will send out
GRQ(GateKeeper Request) message with configured GateKeeper name to GateKeeper
12. –rtp: assign RTP port number(1024-65535)
13. –ttl:set RAS TTL time(0-3600 second)
14. –gkfind: assign GateKeeper finding port number(1024-65535)
15. –ras: assign GateKeeper RAS port(1024-65535)
16. –range: assign dynamically allocated port range(1500-65535)
17. –respto: set max waiting time for first response to a new call. After dial phone No. without
getting response in max waiting time, user will hear busy tone.(1-200 seconds)
18. –connto: set max waiting time for call establishment after receiving first response of a new
call (1-20000 seconds).
Note: 1.Items from 9-16 are for advanced user only.
2.In Peer-to-Peer mode, h323 –print will only display e164, alias, mode ,
RTP port, and allocated port range.
3.In P2P mode, please dial “#” after press IP address (ex. please dial
10*1*1*1#) or e.164 of Phone book (Please refer to chapter 3.9 Pbook