Polycom Inc. 2
9 Increase the Microphone Level.
10 Click OK until all screens are closed.
Resolving Miscellaneous Audio Issues
Starting with Vista, Windows introduced a process called audiodg.exe to perform audio
enhancements. Depending on the enabled enhancements, audiodg.exe can take up a
significant amount of CPU usage, which can cause a drop in quality. We have all the required
enhancements in our audio library, so disabling the audiodg.exe process and using our
enhancements may resolve the issue.
To disable Windows audio enhancements using Windows 7:
1 Right-click the speaker icon in the notification area of the taskbar.
2 In the Playback tab, select Playback Devices from the pop-up menu. A list of devices
should appear on the screen.
3 Double-click the device with a green checkmark. The properties window should open.
4 Click the Enhancements tab at the top.
5 Click to place a checkmark in the Disable all enhancements checkbox.
6 Click OK to save your changes and close the window.
7 Click OK to close the Playback Devices window.