1.7 Busy Line/Busy Party Features
64 Feature Guide
1.7.3 Call Waiting Tone
When an extension user attempts to call a busy extension (i.e., an extension that is ringing or having a
conversation), a call waiting tone will be sent to the called extension to indicate another call is waiting.
• This feature functions only if the called extension has activated Call Waiting. If it is activated, the calling
extension will hear a ringback tone.
• One of 2 call waiting tones (Tone 1 or Tone 2) can be selected through personal programming (Call
Waiting Tone Type Selection). For doorphone calls, Tone 1 is used as a call waiting tone (not
changeable). Tone 2 depends on the assignments in CO Line Ring Tone Pattern [423] for outside (CO)
line calls and in Extension Ring Tone Pattern [115] for intercom calls.
Feature Guide References Call Waiting
4.2.1 Tones/Ring Tones
User Manual References
3.1.2 Changing Personal Settings Using Programming Mode