1.20 Administrative Information Features
152 Feature Guide
1.20 Administrative Information Features
1.20.1 Station Message Detail Recording Feature Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR)
Automatically logs detailed information for the PBX.
1. SMDR Output Port
The Serial Interface (RS-232C) port can be used to output Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR)
data to a PC, printer, etc.
2. SMDR Output Data
The following data can be logged and sent to the SMDR output port:
a) Outside (CO) line call information (incoming/outgoing)
b) Call charge information (outgoing)
Memory for SMDR: A limited number of call records can be stored in the PBX. If the memory becomes
full, the oldest call will be overwritten each time a call is received.
When an optional message expansion card for DISA/UCD OGMs is installed, the number of calls that
can be stored increases from 64 to 10 000.