Call Center supervisor features
Display Queue Status
The Display Queue Status feature allows you to access the status of calls in an ACD
Queue. Information displayed includes: number of calls waiting in the queue, number
of agents’ positions occupied for that queue, and the call waiting time (seconds) for
the oldest call in the queue. To display information on your ACD queues:
1. Press the Dsply Queue Key or Waiting
Calls Key for the ACD group you wish
to display.
2. Your display shows information similar
to the example above.
Note 1: The Dsply Queue Key can be
configured on your M3905 ACD telephone
as a fixed key (using the Display Que key
cap) or as a Programmable Line/Feature Key
(self-labeled) that displays DisplayQue.
Note 2: The information is displayed for 12
seconds, until you press another feature key,
or until a call is presented on your In-Calls
Dsply Queue
1 0 6 14
Quit Copy
Number of
calls waiting
in the ACD
call queue
Number of
calls logically
queued for
this group
The number of agent
positions available to
answer calls
How long (in seconds)
the first call in the highest
priority queue has been
waiting for an agent
Callers Redial