
Agent features
• you activate the Not Ready feature
Once activated, the lamp status reflects the queue status as shown in Table 2.
Note: The MSQS feature can be assigned to a fixed key with the optional cap
Dsplay Queue, or it can be assigned to a programmable line/feature key with
the label DisplayQue.
Display Queue Threshold (MSQS enhancement for agents)
The Display Queue Threshold feature allows an agent or supervisor to view the
number of calls waiting in the queue, or how long the first call in the queue has been
waiting. The Display Queue Threshold feature can be assigned to a fixed key with the
optional key cap Dsply Queue, or it can be assigned to a programmable line/feature
key with the label DispQTh.
To display the queue threshold for
your Meridian SL-100 ACD group:
1. Press the Dsply Queue Key, or the
DispQTh programmable line/feature
Table 2: MSQS lamp and queue status
Indicator Queue Status
Off Less than or equal to T1
On Greater than T1 and less than T2
Flash Greater than T2 and less than T3
Wink Greater than T3
Dsply Queue
Display Que