Call Handling Basics ♦ 17
Answering calls from the Incoming Calls display
You can use the Incoming Calls display to answer calls based either
on call priority or caller identity.
When an incoming call arrives, view the call information that appears
in the Incoming Calls display.
The Incoming Calls display is customizable, so you can select the
column of call information that you want to see, and you can re-size
the columns to show more or less information. See page 38 for a list
of the call information columns that you can view and customize.
For details on how to access the Incoming Calls display, see page 13.
To answer calls using the Incoming Calls display
1. Access the Incoming Calls display.
2. Double-click on a call entry in the list
Press the Retrieve key, followed by the corresponding call ID
digit from the Incoming Calls list
Press the Answer key to answer the highest-priority call.
Note: To use the Retrieve key to answer an incoming call, ensure
that the Incoming Calls display is selected (visible) on your console
screen. See page 14 for details about selecting queued calls.
Questions about Answering Calls
Why do I sometimes hear a short burst of ringing while I’m
handling calls?
Either a new call has arrived or a call on hold has recalled. As you are already
handling a call, the console only rings once. You may turn down your volume
control if you wish. You can also turn off the bell completely by using the
list in the Console Status area. (NOTE: This also turns off all other bell
indications except the Critical Alarm bell.)
What does the caller hear while I'm dialing the extension number?
Once you start to dial, the caller is on Consultation Hold until you have
completed dialing, established communication with the called party, and
released the caller to the called party. If music on hold is provided on your
system, the caller will hear music; otherwise silence.
Can I answer another call while still connected to the first?
No. Before you can answer a new call, you must transfer the current call to
another destination (see page 20), put it on hold (see page 23), or disconnect
it from the console by pressing Release.
Why do extension numbers appearing in the Source and Destination
area sometimes have a icon in front of them?
When it appears next to an extension, it means that the extension is designated
as private. Attendants see the name and number of the extension on their
screens; other extension users see “Private” on their display.