Deactivating Remote Phone via Web Portal
Linksys SPA-941 Telephone User Guide System Telephone Features 53
Phone number through the Web Portal, when you click “Save”, it will
disconnect your current remote phone call.
In the Web Portal, when the Auto Enable When Phone OOS checkbox is
checked, the system will automatically enable Remote Phone and route calls to the
Remote Phone number when the phone is out of service. The Remote Phone
feature will not be auto-enabled until a call arrives after the phone has been
declared out of service. If a call arrives at the phone before the Call Agent has
determined the phone is out of service, the Call Agent will send the call to the No
Answer destination. As soon as the Call Agent determines the phone is out of
service, the Remote Phone feature will be automatically enabled and all further
calls will be sent to the Remote Phone number.
When the phone with Auto Enable When Phone OOS checked returns to service
after the outage, Remote Phone is not disabled. Both the phone and Remote
Phone will ring for each incoming call. The user must disable remote mode using
the Web Portal or by pressing the Remote button on the phone.
Deactivating Remote Phone via Web Portal
To completely deactivate the Remote Phone mode, you must uncheck the Enable
Remote User checkbox on the Web Portal or press the Remote button on your
VoIP phone.
If you just hang up the remote phone, it will disconnect the call, but Remote Phone
mode will still be enabled. The next call coming in to your VoIP phone will ring the
remote phone.
Feature Interaction: Remote Phone with Find-Me
The Remote Phone mode works in conjunction with the Find-Me function that will
transfer the call to each phone you have listed in your Find-Me list. When your
VoIP phone is in Remote Phone mode, and you have Find-Me set up, first the call
will try ringing the remote phone. If it is not answered, the Find-Me function takes
over and will try the next numbers in your Find-Me list.
If you set up Remote Phone from the Web Portal, and you do not answer so Find-
Me takes over, then Remote Phone mode will remain enabled and the next call
coming in will also ring the remote phone.
Selective Call Forward
Selective Call Forward allows you to program your phone to send calls from a list
of telephone numbers to another telephone number. All calls from phones on the
list go to the same destination, which can be changed at any time.