DVP-ES2/EX2/SS2/SA2/SX2/SE Operation Manual - Programming
z Constant K:
Decimal value in PLC operation is attached with an “K”, e.g. K100 indicates the value 100 in
Decimal format.
When constant K is used with bit devices X, Y, M, S, the value specifed after K indicates
the groups of 4-bit unit, which forms a digit(4-bit), byte(8 bit), word(16bit), or double
word(32-bit) data, e.g. K2Y10, K4M100, representing Y10 ~ Y17 and M100~M115.
4. BCD (Binary Coded Decimal)
BCD format takes 1 digit or 4 bits to indicate a Decimal value, so that data of consecutive 16
bits indicates a 4-digit decimal value. Used mainly for reading values from DIP switches or
sending data to 7-segement displays
5. Hexadecimal Number, HEX
DVP-PLC appies Hexadecimal operation in situations below:
z For use of operand in API instructions, e.g. MOV H1A2B D0。(H value)
z Constant H:
Hexadecimal value in PLC operation is attached with an “H”, e.g. H100 indicates the value
100 in Hex format.
Reference Table:
Binary Octal Decimal (K) BCD Hexadecimal (H)
(BIN) (OCT) (DEC) (Binary Code Decimal) (HEX)
Costant K, No. of
registers M, S, T, C,
D, E, F, P, I devices
No. of X, Y
For DIP Switch and 7-
segment display
Constant H
0000 0 0 0000 0
0001 1 1 0001 1
0010 2 2 0010 2
0011 3 3 0011 3
0100 4 4 0100 4
0101 5 5 0101 5
0110 6 6 0110 6
0111 7 7 0111 7
1000 10 8 1000 8
1001 11 9 1001 9
1010 12 10 0000 A
1011 13 11 0001 B
1100 14 12 0010 C