Enter the number cxu-responding to the manufacturer% name and press 1-j.
If the name
is not listed enter 0 for other and press l-i?ZFjj The models for each manufacturer are .
listed. Select the appropriate number for that model phone -em or typz 0 for other.
The list of telephone system mode1 numbers varies, depending on the manufacturer%&cted.
- -
If your PBX type or mod@ number is not listed and you enter 0 for other, additional
questions about your phcme system are aska Refer to Questions for Other Phone Systems,
in this chapter, for an explanation of these questions and then return to question b.
The ampany name is used for internal reports. Use the whole name or an abbreviation.
The ID number is for yak company’s use, to distinguish among Te VP Systems. Crate
a differ&t number for each Toshiba VP System. ‘IIe serial number of the system can be used
as the system ID number, and is listed on the configuration diskette. The system ID number
is also used to identjfy the system when an alarm call is made.
The serial number is printed on the mem/UL label located on the lower rear of the cabinet.
The se&l number is printed on the UL label located on the side of the cabinet.
Refer to your Tosh;%a VP System configuration package for the number of VP 100 ports on
your system. Empty line = 4 is the default.
P For the VP 3OOsIVP 300, questiori d is not asked.
If something goes wrong with the Toshiba VP System, the *em can call and report the
problem. Enter the phone number of the person who should receive that call. This number