INSTALL displays messages and questions on the terminal. You respond to the questions by using
the keyboard Press the 1x1 key to enter the data when you have completed each entry (on
wme termids, this key is marked Eb
Some questions, such as What is the PBX manufacturer?” are followed by a list of ch&es. Type
the number corresponding to your choice. If the answer you need is not on the list, choose
“Other” or “NoneW as appropriate.
Some question& such as ‘What is the ampany’s name?” require you to create an answer rather
than select from a list. When you create an answer, the program specifies a range for the
response. For example, the range for the cumpany name is 1 - 8 character
-- -. ~
INSTAU requires an answer for each question. In some cases you can press -1 without
entering data, and INSTALL reards a defauh answer. Default answers, often the most commonly
chosen answer to the question, are indicated in the following war
The default answer for this question is =N.” If you just press -1 without typing a number,
the display shows an empty line, and RSTALL recxmis an N.
Figure 2-l shows the orderin which information is requested during INSTm