Linksys SPA9x2 Phone Administration Guide 78
Localizing Your SPA9x2 Phone
Setting Regional Parameters
Localizing Your SPA9x2 Phone
The following table describes the localization parameters in the Miscellaneous section.
Managing the Time and Date
SPA9x2 phones obtain the current time information in one of three ways:
• NTP Server—You can configure one or two NTP servers on the phone. When the phone
first boots up, it tries to contact the first NTP server to get the current time. The phone
periodically synchronizes its time with the NTP server. The synchronization period is
fixed at 1 hour. In between updates, the phone tracks time with its own internal clock.
• SIP Messages—Each SIP message (request or response) sent to the SPA9x2 phone may
contain a Date header with the current time information. If the header is present, the
phone uses it to update its current time.
Set Local Date (mm/
Enter the local date (mm represents the month and dd represents the day).
The year is optional and uses two or four digits. For example,
May 1, 2008 can be entered as:
05/01 or 05/01/08 or 05/01/2008
Set Local Time (HH/
Enter the local time (hh represents hours and mm represents minutes).
Seconds are optional.
Time Zone Selects the number of hours to add to GMT to generate the local time for
caller ID generation. Choices are GMT-12:00, GMT-11:00,…, GMT,
GMT+01:00, GMT+02:00, …, GMT+13:00.
Defaults to GMT-08:00.
Time Offset (HH/mm) This specifies the offset from GMT to use for the local system time.
Daylight Saving Time
Enter the rule for calculating daylight saving time.
”Configuring Daylight
Savings Time” section on page 79
Daylight Saving Time
Select yes to enable or no to disable DST on the SPA9x2. This setting
affects all lines (extensions) on the phone.
Dictionary Server
Defines the location of the dictionary server, the languages available and
the associated dictionary.
”Creating a Dictionary Server Script”
section on page 81
Language Selection Specifies the default language. The value must match one of the
languages supported by the dictionary server. The script (dx value) is as
<Language_Selection ua="na">
Defaults to blank; the maximum number of characters is 512. For example:
<Language_Selection ua="na"> Spanish