Linksys SPA9x2 Phone Administration Guide 56
Upgrading, Resyncing, and Rebooting Phones
Provisioning Basics
The names of parameters in XML profiles can generally be inferred from the SPA9x2
configuration web pages, by substituting underscores (_) for spaces and other control
characters. Further, to distinguish between Lines 1, 2, 3, and 4, corresponding parameter names
are augmented by the strings _1_, _2_, _3_, and _4_. For example, Line 1 Proxy is named
Proxy_1_ in XML profiles.
The plain-text configuration file uses a proprietary format, which can be encrypted to prevent
unauthorized use of confidential information. By convention, the profile is named with the
extension .cfg (for example, spa942.cfg). The Linksys SIP Profile Compiler (SPC) tool is provided
for compiling the plain-text file containing parameter-value pairs into an encrypted CFG file.
The SPC tool is available from Linksys for the Win32 environment (spc.exe) and Linux-i386-elf
environment (spc-linux-i386-static). Availability of the SPC tool for the OpenBSD environment is
available on a case-by-case basis.
The syntax of the plain-text file accepted by the profile compiler is a series of parameter-
value pairs, with the value in double quotes. Each parameter-value pair is followed by a
semicolon. The following is an example of a valid text source profile for input to the SPC tool:
Admin_Passwd “some secret”;
Upgrade_Enable “Yes”;
Parameters in the case of source text files for the SPC tool are similarly named, except that to
differentiate Line 1, 2, 3, and 4, the appended strings ([1], [2], [3], or [4]) are used. For example,
the Line 1 Proxy is named Proxy[1] in source text profiles for input to the SPC.
Refer to the LVS SPA Provisioning Guide for further details.
Upgrading, Resyncing, and Rebooting Phones
The Administrator can upgrade, reboot, or resync SPA9x2s using the web interface.
Upgrading Firmware on a Phone
Use the upgrade URL to upgrade firmware on the SPA9x2. You can upgrade from either a TFTP
or HTTP server.
NOTE: The Upgrade Enable parameter on the Provisioning web page must be set to Yes:
SPA9x2 web UI > Provisioning > Firmware Upgrade > Upgrade Enable: yes
Use the following syntax to upgrade firmware on a phone:
• Protocol defaults to TFTP.
• Server name defaults to the host requesting the URL.
• Port defaults to the port of the protocol being used (for example, 69 for TFTP or 80 for