Linksys SPA9x2 Administration Guide 30
Understanding Lines, Calls, and Shared Call Appearances
Getting Started
• SPA962: six lines
• SPA932 sidecar for the SPA962: 32 lines
Each line corresponds to a phone number (or extension) used for calls. The number of
extensions you see listed in the SPA9x2’s Extension Status depends on how many lines the
phone has. A “call appearance” physically corresponds to a line key on a station, so a call
appearance is an instance of an extension.
NOTE: Each line can support two calls. So, for example, the SPA942 can hancle eight calls. One
call can be active (in conversation)and seven can be on hold.
When the same extension is assigned to line keys on more than one station, it is called a
shared line appearance. Extension 1 is referred to as the primary extension. Some features
can be activated only on the primary extension, such as call forwarding.
One extension can be assigned to multiple line keys on a phone. In fact, all four call
appearances can be instances of the same extension or phone number. An extension is not
a shared line appearance unless it is also assigned to a line key on another station.
Understanding Extensions
Extensions contain core account information and control parameters.
Although the account information is usually the same for a shared extension on different
stations, the other parameters can differ. For example, the dial plan or the preferred codec
to use when making a call on an extension could be different for two different stations
sharing the same extension.
Lines can be in the following states:
• Disabled: The line key is disabled
• Idle (Ready): Ready for use
• Dialing: Collecting digits from the user to be dialed out from this line
• Calling: Waiting for the called party to respond
• Proceeding (Progressing): Called party station is ringing
• Ringing (Alerting): Station is ringing with an Incoming call
• Connected: Connected with remote party
• Held: Remote party is on hold
• Invalid: Remote party hangs up or an error occurs while attempting an outbound call
• Busy: the line is being used by another station (shared lines only)
Shared Line (or Call) Appearances
SPA9x2 phones support shared line appearances in association with a Broadsoft application
server. An extension can be shared by two or more stations. All call appearances on a shared
extension are shared.