Linksys SPA9x2 Phone Administration Guide Cisco Confidential--First Draft4
Additional Phone Features
Introducing Linksys SPA9x2 Phones
SPS932 Sidecar Attendant for the SPA962
The SPA932 Sidecar for the SPA962 phone has 32 LEDs/buttons for dialing, call transfer, call pick
up and call monitoring. Multi-colored LEDs monitor the status of each configured voice line via
busy lamp field (BLF). You can attach two sidecars to a SPA962, for 64 extensions. For more
information, see Chapter 10, "Using the SPA932 Sidecar."
Additional Phone Features
For a complete list of SPA9x2 features, see the phone data sheets. Included here are some
additional features:
• Media Loopback: service providers can use media loopback to measure the voice
quality experienced by the end user. One device acts as the audio transmitter and
receiver, while the other device acts as the audio mirror. The audio mirror transmits the
audio packets received back to the transmitter for testing.
• Remote Provisioning from Phone Keypad: after the user enters the IP address of the
provisioning server, the phone resynchronizes to a known path name. This feature
enables service providers to have VARs install and provision Linksys phones. See
Chapter 5, "Provisioning Basics."
• Extension Mobility, which lets users log in to a phone. The login configures the phone
with the user’s information, including user name and caller ID.
Note: This feature is currently only integrated with Broadsoft Client Management
System (CMS).
• Star codes/supplementary services
• Service announcement codes
• Codec priority order of up to three preferred codecs
• Full-duplex speakerphone:
SPA Model Voice Lines High-Resolution Graphical Display
SPA922 1 Backlit 128 x 64 pixels with screen saver and customizable
logo and background picture (128 x 48 pixels available for
background picture).
SPA 942 4 Backlit 128 x 64 pixels with screen saver and customizable
logo and background picture (128 x 48 pixels available for
background picture).
SPA962 6 Color 320 x 240 pixels with screen saver and customizable
logo and background picture (320 x 240 pixels available for
background picture). Also provides customizable photo