Linksys SPA9x2 Phone Administration Guide 74
Vertical Service Announcement Codes
Setting Regional Parameters
Vertical Service Announcement Notes
Following is an example of how you can use these fields.
[Line1/2]<Service Announcement Serv> = Yes
[Regional]<Service Annc Base Number> = {announcement server base number}
[Regional]<Service Annc Extension Codes> = {SAEC Script}
SAEC Script format:{SA_map;}* Here * means 0 or multiple
<Service Annc Base Number> = 1234
<Service Annc Extension Codes>=
Here CWT: Call waiting service enabled;
CWF: Call waiting service disabled;
FAT: Call forward all service enabled;
FAF: Call forward all service disabled;
FBT: Call forward busy service enabled;
FBF: Call forward busy service disabled;
FNT: Call forward no answer enabled;
FNF: Call forward no answer disabled;
When the user enables call waiting service, the SPA9x2 automatically calls:
When the user disables the call waiting service, SPA9x2 connects to
If the <Service Annc Extension Codes> do not define CWT/CWF extension codes, the
SPA9x2 defaults to normal.
When the user enables the callback service using the *code, the SPA9x2 automatically calls
When the user disables the callback service using the *code, the SPA9x2 automatically
connects to the “123401@$proxy.”
If the Service Annc Extension Codes do not define CBT/CBF extension codes, the SPA9x2 does
not use this feature.