HP Palmtop PC User Guide - 157
3-D 81
adapter 7, 17, 18, 19, 30, 143, 144
port 3, 7, 17
power 2, 17, 18, 19, 113
ActiveSync 1, 32, 33
Among Windows CE devices 27
Appointments 42, 58, 131
Arithmetic operators 80
Background, changing 21
Back Up Data button 34
Back-Up Battery Compartment 4
Back-Up Battery 4
Backup Now/Transferring 28, 36
Backup/Transferring 28, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 153
battery, coin cell 7, 153
data to a PC Card 37
HP Data Backup 34, 35, 110
Back-Up 4
coin cell 7, 153
compartment 4
drain battery 30
installing the batteries 7
minimize data loss 18
rechargeable Lithium-Ion battery pack 7
recharging Batteries 18
Release Catch 4
bFAX Pro
adding recipients and documents 105
application 50
creating a fax 102
deleting recipients and documents 105
Dialing Location 104, 107, 108
Frequently Asked Questions 104, 105
receiving 104
sending 103
bFIND Global Find Utility
application 51
search 130
select Search Locations 131
start 130
Brightness & contrast, adjusting 21
Buttons 16
Cache 126, 127, 132
Pop-Up view 137
Standard view 136
6-month Calendar 55
Adding, changing a full-day event 56, 57
Adding, deleting an appointment 56, 57
Change the time duration of an appointment 57
Month-at-a-Glance Plus 54
Moving an appointment to a different day or time 57
New All Day Event 56
Printing 26
Viewing your calendar 53-57, 63
Calibrating the Screen and Stylus 9
Cells 75, 77-79, 141
Compact Flash Memory Card Drawer 3
CompactFlash Card 21, 31, 39, 151, 153
Comparison operators 80
Connection between palmtop and desktop PC 12
change contact information 60
copy, delete and modify contact card 61