Cisco Unified IP Phone User Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 8.5 (SCCP and SIP) 23
Phone Applications
Phone applications allow you to access the following:
• Call History
• Preferences
• Accessories
• Administrator Settings (for system administrators only).
• Phone Information
Call History
Call History allows you to view information about the last 150 calls on your phone. Individual calls
and call groups are listed chronologically from the most recent call to the oldest one. (If your phone
has multiple lines, calls on all lines are added together. The oldest calls over the 150-call limit are
dropped from the history.)
In the Call History screen, the line information, such as “Line: 5623,” is shown in the upper
right corner to indicate the line name or number for which the call history is displayed.
For each call record or call group, an icon to the left of the caller ID shows the call type:
• Received—
• Placed—
• Missed—
If the caller ID is unavailable, “Unknown” is displayed, and the phone number is listed.
Calls for the same caller ID and phone number are grouped together only when if they occur in
chronological order and do not have calls associated. For each group, the time of the latest call and
the number of calls, such as “(3),” are displayed:
• Incoming (Received) and outgoing (Placed) calls are grouped together.
• Missed calls are grouped together in a separate group.
Hunt group and multiparty calls show an icon to the right of the caller ID that differentiates the call
from a normal call, and these calls are not grouped even when they are next to each other in the list.