10 4600 Series IP Telephone Installation Guide
What’s New in This Release
New material in this issue to support Release 2.8 software includes:
● IP Source Addresses can be filtered for additional security (System parameter
● Non-audible alerting can be allowed or prevented (System parameter AUDASYS).
● HTTP/HTTPS file servers now support backup/restore operations.
● The port number for HTTP/HTTPS file downloads is now configurable (System parameter
● The pathname for HTTP/HTTPS servers can now be specified (System parameter
● Support for RFC 1948, Defending Against Sequence Number Attacks, has been added for
increased TCP security.
● The IP Endpoint Time-to-Service (TTS) feature, is introduced in the Release 2.8. TTS,
along with the Communication Manager 4.0 release, changes the way IP endpoints
register with their gatekeeper by decoupling registration and establishment of TCP
sockets, reducing the time to come into service. Please refer to the document,
Administrator Guide for Avaya Communications Manager (03-300509), for further