Chapter 3: Phone Functions
Composing New Messages
1. At the Messaging screen, tap on the command bar.
2. Enter the recipient’s phone number or address with the input panel or by accessing the Phone
Book by tapping To. (See the following page.)
3. Select Normal or Urgent for Priority.
4. Enter the message and press Send. If the message is successfully transmitted, the screen
automatically closes.
Selecting Send from the File menu also sends messages.
To store sent messages in the Outbox see the SMS tab in Options. This function must
be set if you want to check whether or not the recipient received the message.
The following options can be selected from the File menu.
Send: Sends message.
Save: Saves message to Outbox without sending it. To send the message, select it in the Outbox,
tap Edit Message from the File menu, then tap Send.
Tap OK to stop operations. Select Yes when the save message appears to store the message, and
No not to save it.
Tap to view stored contacts.
Keeps track of characters entered.
Message limit is 160.
Select Normal or Urgent (for urgent