Asus P505 PDAs & Smartphones User Manual

Chapter 7: Multimedia features
Editing photos using PicturesEditing photos using Pictures
Editing photos using PicturesEditing photos using Pictures
Editing photos using Pictures
To adjust the photo brightness and contrast:To adjust the photo brightness and contrast:
To adjust the photo brightness and contrast:To adjust the photo brightness and contrast:
To adjust the photo brightness and contrast:
1. From the Pictures main
screen, tap a photo to display,
Edit, then tap
Brightness and ContrastBrightness and Contrast
Brightness and ContrastBrightness and Contrast
Brightness and Contrast.
2. Adjust the photo brightness
and contrast by tapping the
appropriate buttons.
3. When finished, tap
Done Done
Done Done
Done to
save your changes.
Decrease brightness
Increase brightness
Decrease contrast
Increase contrast