Chapter 5: Phone features
2. The conference is put on hold, while
the selected member is placed at
the bottom of the screen.
You can now talk privately to the
connected participant.
To talk privately to a conference call member:To talk privately to a conference call member:
To talk privately to a conference call member:To talk privately to a conference call member:
To talk privately to a conference call member:
1. Tap and hold the conference call
participant you want to talk with
privately, then select
Conference Conference
Conference Conference
Conference from the menu.
3. To bring the participant back to the
conference, tap and hold the icon
then select
Join ConferenceJoin Conference
Join ConferenceJoin Conference
Join Conference
Swap Swap
Swap Swap
Swap from the
menu to talk privately to the other
conference call participant or
End End
End End
End to
terminate the conference call