Copyright IPitomy Communication, LLC 83 0007VRF
Branch Offices
Branch Offices is a powerful tool that is used to link up multiple PBX’s located in external
offices. By utilizing Branch Offices you are able to create direct extension dialing from
one office location to another with a simple dialing prefix.
Configuring Router
Please see Appendix on Router Configuration
Configuring Office 1
1. Click on Destinations and Branch Offices. The Branch Offices page
will appear.
2. Click on Add Office.
3. Give a unique name for the connection
4. Type dynamic for host.
5. Create a unique dialing prefix for the extensions connected to the Office
1 PBX.
6. Give a unique password for the connection.
7. Select No for register. (Note that registration is not required if host is
8. Leave qualify at 30000.
9. Click Save Changes
10. Click Apply Changes
Configuring Office 2
1. Click on Destinations and Branch Offices. The Branch Offices page
will appear.
2. Click on Add Office.
3. Name should match that given to the Office 1 PBX. The name should
only contain alpha-numeric characters and no spaces.