Copyright IPitomy Communication, LLC 96 0007VRF
Feature Codes
Found in the PBX Setup section of online administration, the IPitomy 1000 provides a set
of system feature codes. These codes allow system users to manually manage calls from
an extension. To access these feature codes. Click PBX Setup and Feature Codes. The
Feature Code Chart will appear. Note that the feature descriptions in online
administration can be found by sliding a mouse over the “?” next to the feature code.
Feature Code Description
923 Provides access to personal voicemail.
924 Provides access to main voicemail box.
Transfer to
*+(ext #) Transfers a caller to a voicemail box.
Directory 926 Access to the Company directory.
Blind Transfer # # Transfers a caller without announcing their
# * Allows person transferring a call to stay on the
call until it is received by the intended party.
One Touch
* # Turns Call Recording on.
99 Allows a person to pick up a call at a different
extension than their own.
Ring Group
** (ext #) Pages a ring group.
Directed Call
99 + (ext #) Pick up a call ringing the specified extension.
The Services online administration page is a utility that allows the uploading of system
software, configurations and databases. The Services page is designed to be used
with the support of an IPitomy Customer Service Representative. The default
settings in this page are not to be changed during a system implementation.
The IPitomy 1000 offers System Administrators a set of reporting tools to help manage calling
traffic. Reporting tools also includes a diagnostic report used by IPitomy to evaluate the system’s
CDR Reports
A CDR Report can be used by the System Administrator to track calling traffic. The CDR
Report for the IPitomy 1000 tracks:
Date/Time – The date and time of the call.
From – The telephone number where the call is from.
Destination – The extension, voicemail box or group to which the call is going.
Trunk – The phone number the call came in on.
Duration – The length of the call in hours, minutes and seconds.
Status – A description of what happened to the call once it reached its destination
(e.g., Not Answered, Disconnected or Successful).
To access the CDR Reports click Reporting and Reports. The CDR Report will appear: