Copyright IPitomy Communication, LLC 54 0007VRF
List of Devices & Extensions
The list of discovered network devices uses two sources of information:
o Network
o PBX Database
Device column lists info about the device. Database info is preferred, so if a
device is set to a certain phone type in the database, this is listed instead of the
actual device type. The help/info question mark to the right can be hovered over
to get more specific info about the device.
Hover your cursor over the info icon to obtain details about the networked
device or phone. This can be an important source of information about which
phones are available for live configuration.
If you click refresh-view more than once in a short time period, the network is not
re-scanned. The minimum time period allowed between scans is indicated under
advanced scan settings (Min Refresh Interval).
Tip: The network is only scanned for new information when you click [Refresh].
Both Refresh & [Filter Only] apply whatever filters you have chosen to the
displayed list.
Advanced Filter Settings
Filtering does not change how the network scanning is performed. It only limits
the list of items displayed. This means that if you only want to change filters it is
not necessary to re-scan the network. All of the network information from the last
network scan is retained and used by filters.
Sort Order
Determine what order items are listed in. Hover your cursor over the help icon
next to the Sort Order fields for options.
You can hide different device types from view.
Filter Patterns
You can enter a partial MAC or IP here. The limitation is that the pattern must
match from the first character onward. i.e. “000D” would match “000DE” but not
More advanced pattern filtering:
Full Regular Expression Matching is supported when you enclose your search
pattern in double quotes.
Pattern Equivalent to
1.2.3 ^1\.2\.3
“1\.2\.3.*” 1\.2\.3.*