
This appendix lists acronyms and terminology used in the CommWorks VoIP
A-Link Access link. SS7 Signaling link used to connect the Signaling Transfer Point (STP)
and Signaling Switch Point (SSP).
ACF Admission ConfirmThis is a call flow message.
AMI Alternate Mark InversionA line encoding scheme for transmitting data bits over
T1 and E1transmission systems.
ANI Automatic Number IdentificationThe billing number of the person making the
phone call. ANI allows the calling party to be billed without having to enter a PIN.
ARJ Admission RejectThis is a call flow message.
ARQ Admission RequestThis is a call flow message.
AIS Alarm Indication SignalFormerly referred to as a blue alarm or blue signal.
This is a signal that is created when a maintenance alarm indication has been
activated. This signal is transmitted downstream informing that an upstream
failure has been detected.
AS Autonomous SystemAn independent system.
AUX AuxiliaryBackup or acting as a redundancy on the system.
B8ZS Binary Eight Zero Code SuppressionLine-code type, used on T1 and E1 circuits. A
special code replaces any eight consecutive zeros that are sent over the link. This
code is then interpreted at the remote end of the connection. This technique
guarantees ones density independent of the data stream. Sometimes this is
referred to as bipolar 8-zero substitution.
BHCA Busy Hour Call AttemptsThe number of calls attempted within 60 minutes
during the busiest times during the day.
CC Country CodeWhen calling outside of the country, the called number consists of
the country code, identifying the country where the person to be called resides
and a NSN (National Significant Number). The code of the country is the first three
digits dialed.
CCS Common Channel SignalThis is a Bellcore definition: A network architecture
which uses Signalling System 7 (SS7) protocol for the exchange of information
between telecommunications nodes and networks on an out-of-band basis.