ATI Presentation Pack
User's Manual 10-2
TOSHIBA Pocket PC e740 Version
Last Saved on 10/05/2002 21:02
ENGLISH using Euro_C.dot –– Printed on 10/05/2002 as PDA3_UK
3 After accepting the license agreement, choose the folder to which you
want the ATI Presentation Pack to be installed. Click Next to accept
the default destination folder; click Browse... to specify a different
4 Check your Pocket PC screen for any additional steps required to
complete the installation.
On-line Help
This Manual serves as a quick-reference guide. For more details about
any feature, consult the on-line Help. When using IA Presenter, select
Tools > Help for the main Help table of contents. In IA Screen Mirror, tap
the Help button in the About tab to access the main Help file. Context-
sensitive Help is also available. If, during some operations, you cannot
open the Tools Menu, you can access the context-sensitive Help
messages via the Windows Start Menu.
A Note about Updates to the ATI Presentation Pack
Your copy of the ATI Presentation Pack contains the latest versions of IA
Presenter and IA Screen Mirror. For updates, please visit the IA Style web
site (www.iastyle.com).
IA Presenter
Getting Started
After you invoke IA Presenter, the screen lists all the converted
PowerPoint presentations currently in your \My Documents folder. A
sample presentation file is included with the installation, so at least one
file will be listed when you initially invoke IA Presenter.
To receive a presentation file into the \My Documents folder of your
Pocket PC via Infrared beaming, tap Tools in the lower left corner of the
screen, then select Receive via InfraRed... from the menu shown above.
To drag- and-drop a PowerPoint file from your computer to your Pocket
PC, see the section Using IA Presenter’s Desktop Converter on the
next page.
The Options... command on the Tools Menu opens the General, File,
Display, and VGA Output tabs. These tabs are explained in the on-line
Help file, which can be accessed from the Tools Menu by tapping
Help....Or, after opening one of the tabs, select Help from the Windows
Start Menu.