Using Extension Functions
Reading and Clearing Messages
Depending on your system’s programming, you may be able to read and
clear messages left for an extension by another user or attendant console.
Without this capability, you can only read and clear messages that you
have set.
To read and cancel an extension’s messages:
1. Press Function.
2. Press [A
3. Press [S
4. Dial the extension number.
5. Press [R
The absence of [R
EAD MSG] on the display means that you are not
authorized to read or clear messages other than those you have left.
The display shows the number of messages at that extension, the
extension number of the user that left the message, and when the
message was left.
6. Do one of the following:
• Press [N
EXT MSG] to read the extension’s next message.
• Press [C
LEAR MSG] to clear the message.
• Press [E
XIT] to return to the main display.