50003510 Revision A 37
Located on the rear of the SX-200 ELx cabinet are four 25 pin connectors (J1- J4 for the
peripheral interface cards), three RJ-45 connectors (J5 and J6 for T1 trunks and J7 for a system
fail transfer control port), a printer port, a maintenance port, and two RS-232 connectors (J10
and J11 for the PRI maintenance).
The SX-200 EL control cabinet holds the following components:
• Main Control Card IIIELx (MCC IIIELx) or Main Control Card IIIEL (MCC IIIEL)
• Bay Control Card II or Bay Control Card III
• Bay Power Supply
• A maximum of two of the following carrier cards, Control Triple FIM Carrier Card, Control
Dual FIM Carrier Card, or Control Triple CIM Card
• Up to one PRI Card
• Up to two T1 links from T1 cards or from the T1/E1 module on a BCC III
• Up to eight Peripheral Interface Cards.
The SX-200 EL control cabinet with a MCC IIIELx or a MCC IIIEL supports up to six additional
peripheral bays. The MCC IIIELx enables three links per peripheral bay from the Control Triple
FIM Carrier cards and the Control Triple CIM cards.
The SX-200 ELx cabinet Rev 4.4 or greater supports the PRI card, the BRI card, the BCC III,
and the CLASS functionality on the ONS/CLASS Line card. The SX-200 ELx cabinet Rev 4.3
or less can support a PRI card if you use an RS-232 Adapter (PN 9109-632-001-NA) to connect
the cabinet to the PC.
Main Control Card IIIEL / IIIELx - performs call processing and maintains overall control
through communication with up to seven Bay Control Cards. The Main Control Cards have four
megabytes of RAM, one megabyte of non-volatile RAM (NVRAM), a System ID Module, a DX
module set, tone receivers, seven DSP Receivers for conferencing, and DTMF tone
generation.The Main Control Card IIIEL and the Main Control Card IIIELx are not backward or
forward compatible.
The MCC IIIEL is available with a Stratum 3 or Stratum 4 clock. The MCC IIIELx is only available
with a Stratum 3 clock.
The Main Control Card IIIEL enables the Triple FIM Carrier card to provide two links per
peripheral cabinet.
The Main Control Card IIIELx (installed in a universal cabinet PN 9109-610-202-NA) enables
the Triple FIM Carrier card to provide three links per peripheral cabinet.
Bay Control Card - interfaces the peripheral cards with the main control card. The SX-200 EL
and the SX-200 ML system can use the Bay Control Card II (BCC II) or the Bay Control Card
III (BCC III). The BCC III may support a DSP module (single), page 39, a T1/E1 module, page
39, or a Maintenance module, page 37, in a main control cabinet.
Maintenance Module - This is an RS-232 driver module that sits on the BCC III in the main
control cabinet. This module provides a serial port for BRI maintenance if the BRI card resides
in the main control cabinet.