Using Security Features
User’s Guide 7–5
❏ Select whether you want the encryption status displayed.
Selecting this option allows you to monitor the
encryption/decryption process. Refer to
“Encrypting/Decrypting Data” later in this chapter for
more information.
10. Tap Next.
11. From the Security Configuration Complete screen, tap
Continue to enroll your fingerprint, create your PIN or
password, and answer your hint question.
12. Prior to enrolling your fingerprint and/or entering your PIN
or password, you are asked for a passphrase. Tap OK, then
follow the onscreen instructions to create a passphrase.
Note: The passphrase is not something you need to remember on
a daily basis, but you should remember it for future reference. For
more information on passphrases, tap the More Information...
13. Tap OK.