User’s Guide 4–10
Learning the Basics
Backing Up Information
Use iPAQ Backup or Microsoft ActiveSync Backup to back up
and restore information on your iPAQ Pocket PC.
Note: Your iPAQ Pocket PC came preinstalled with iPAQ
Backup. However, you must install ActiveSync on your computer
before using ActiveSync Backup.
To help reduce the chance of losing information, you should back
up information on a regular schedule. For more information on
backing up your data, refer to “Using iPAQ Backup to
Backup/Restore” in Chapter 6.
Using the iPAQ FIle Store Folder
You can install programs and save files to the iPAQ File Store
folder, which is accessed from File Explorer on your iPAQ
Pocket PC.
Programs and files stored in iPAQ File Store are held in ROM
and are saved if you perform a full reset of your iPAQ Pocket PC
or if the battery discharges completely.
CAUTION: If you have HP ProtectTools enabled and forget your PIN or
password, resetting the device will result in loss of data stored in iPAQ
File Store. For more information on HP ProtectTools, refer to Chapter 7,
“Using Security Features.”
Some devices also come with High Speed File Store, a faster
version of iPAQ File Store. If your iPAQ Pocket PC has more
than 30 MB of File Store space, it is High Speed File Store. To
find out how much File Store memory is on your device, from the
Today screen, tap the Memory icon > Storage Card tab. Select
iPAQ File Store in the drop down list box. If the amount is 30
MB or more, then you have High Speed File Store.