54 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 420 Palm-size PC
Synchronizing channel information
Channel information can be synchronized as part of the general
synchronization process described above. In the Mobile Devices
window of Windows CE Services, click Tools, ActiveSync
Options, then select Channel Item.
During synchronization, channel information is copied to your
P/PC. It can be viewed either from Channels or on your Active
Desktop as a mobile desktop component, depending on the
channel format you have subscribed to. See “Mobile desktop
components” later in this chapter for more information.
Viewing channel content
Whenever new content is available for one of your channels, you
see the Channel icon in the status area of the taskbar. Double-
tap the icon to switch to Channels, or tap Start, then Channels.
To view channel content, tap an icon on the Channel bar, or tap
the Explorer button to quickly navigate to a channel or to a
specific page within a channel.
Displaying mobile desktop components
The P/PC also includes an Active Desktop feature that can
display specialized channel content for quick reference. Similar
to Channels, content for mobile desktop components is
synchronized with the desktop computer. For example, a content
provider might create a mobile desktop component that updates
and displays key financial market indices during the day.
To display mobile desktop components on the Active Desktop, tap
Start, Settings, Display, and then select the components you
want to display.