Cisco Systems ATA 188 Telephone User Manual

Cisco ATA 186 and Cisco ATA 188 Analog Telephone Adaptor Administrator’s Guide for MGCP (version 3.0)
RTP media port 5-17
RTP packet size 5-21
static network router probing 5-27
text file template 5-2
TFTP filename setting 5-27
tones 5-29
VLAN CoS bit value (802.1P priority) for TCP
VLAN ID specifications setting 5-27
VLAN IP encapsulation setting 5-27
configuration changes taking effect 3-6
configuration files generated 3-13
configuration in a non-TFTP server environment 3-7
configuration in a TFTP server environment 3-5
congestion tone 5-37
connection mode configuration 5-24
ConnectMode parameter 6-3
converting MAC address to hexadecimal format 3-11
convert unique configuration file to binary format 3-6
creating a text configuration file 3-9
debugging 8-4
debugging with prserv program 8-4
default configuration file 3-17
default values 3-9
disabling use of
enabling use of 5-8
DHCP option 150 3-18
DHCP option 66 3-18
DHCP options 3-19
DHCP parameter 5-8
DHCP server
configuration without using DHCP
if not under control of Cisco ATA administrator 3-19
DHCP server usage 3-18
SyslogIP 5-41
types of messages to trace 5-42
DialTone 5-36
disabling CDP discovery 3-4
disabling use of DHCP server 3-21
disabling VLAN encapsulation 3-4
disabling VLAN IP encapsulation 3-3
DNS2IP parameter 5-11
domain-name portion of endpoint ID configuration 5-18
downloading Cisco ATA software from CCO 3-7, 3-8
DtmfMethod configuration 5-20
duplexity 1-4
dynamic payload type 5-24
electrical specifications B-2
enabling user-specified voice VLAN ID 3-4
EncrpytKeyEx parameter 5-7
encryption 3-12
encryption examples 3-15
encryption key 5-6
EncryptKey parameter 5-6, 8-14
endpoint identifiers 4-2
endpoint identifiers configuration 5-14
endpoints and connections 4-3
configuration example 4-3
configuration parameters 4-3
entering alphanumeric values 3-22
environmental specifications B-2
establishing IP connectivity 3-20
Ethernet ports 1-4
factory default reset 3-23