Sample Configuration Files
D-20 41-001160-00, Release 2.1, Rev 04
IP Phone Administrator Guide
Appendix D
# L1 to L4 on the 57i and 57iCT
# L1 to L3 on the 53i
# These can be over-ridden on a per-line basis using the per-line
# settings.
# See the Admin Guide for a detailed explaination of how this works
sip screen name: Joe Smith # the name display on the phone's screen
sip user name: 4256 # the phone number
sip display name: Joseph Smith # the caller name sent out when making
# a call.
sip vmail: *78 # the number to reach voicemail on
sip auth name: jsmith # account used to authenticate user
sip password: 12345 # password for authentication account
sip mode: 0 # line type:
# 0 - generic,
# 1 - BroadSoft SCA line
# 2 - Nortel line
sip proxy ip: proxy.aastra.com # IP address or FQDN of proxy
sip proxy port: 5060 # port used for SIP messages on the
# proxy. Set to 0 to enable SRV
# lookups
sip registrar ip: aastra.com # IP address or FQDN of registrar
sip registrar port: 0 # as proxy port, but for the registrar
sip registration period: 3600 # registration period in seconds
# Per-line SIP Settings
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