Network Settings
4-26 41-001160-00, Release 2.1, Rev 04
IP Phone Administrator Guide
Configuring the IP Phones
Aastra Web UI
Step Action
1 Click on Advanced Settings->Network->Advanced Network Settings.
2 Select an HTTPS client method to use from the HTTPS Client Method field. Valid values are:
SSL 3.0 (default)
TSL 1.0
3 Enable HTTP to HTTPS redirect by checking the HTTPS Server - Redirect HTTP to HTTPS field
check box. (Disable this field by unchecking the check box). Default is disabled.
4 Enable the blocking of XML HTTP POSTs by the HTTPS server by checking the HTTPS Server -
Block XML HTTP POSTs field check box. (Disable this field by unchecking the check box). Default is
5 Click to save your settings.