Aastra Telecom 53I IP Phone User Manual

Administrator Level Options
41-001160-00, Release 2.1, Rev 04 3-51
Administrator Options
Administrator Options
Timer 1 and Timer 2 sip T1 timer
sip T2 timer
The requested duration, in seconds, before
the MWI subscription times out. The phone
re-subscribes to MWI before the subscription
period ends.
For more information, see Chapter 4,
“Advanced SIP Settings (optional)” on
page 4-58.
Transaction Timer sip transaction timer The requested duration, in seconds, before
the MWI subscription times out. The phone
re-subscribes to MWI before the subscription
period ends.
For more information, see Chapter 4,
“Advanced SIP Settings (optional)” on
page 4-58.
Transport Protocol sip transport protocol The requested duration, in seconds, before
the MWI subscription times out. The phone
re-subscribes to MWI before the subscription
period ends.
For more information, see Chapter 4,
“Advanced SIP Settings (optional)” on
page 4-58.
Registration Failed Retry
sip registration retry timer The requested duration, in seconds, before
the MWI subscription times out. The phone
re-subscribes to MWI before the subscription
period ends.
For more information, see Chapter 4,
“Advanced SIP Settings (optional)” on
page 4-58.
Registration Timeout Retry
sip registration timeout retry
The requested duration, in seconds, before
the MWI subscription times out. The phone
re-subscribes to MWI before the subscription
period ends.
For more information, see Chapter 4,
“Advanced SIP Settings (optional)” on
page 4-58.
Parameter in
Aastra Web UI
Parameters in
Configuration Files Description