Firmware and Configuration Files
1-22 41-001160-00, Release 2.1, Rev 04
IP Phone Administrator Guide
Configuration File Precedence
Aastra IP phones can accept two sources of configuration data:
• The server configuration most recently downloaded/cached from the
configuration server files, aastra.cfg/<mac>.cfg (or the aastra.tuz/<mac>.tuz
encrypted equivalents).
• Local configuration changes stored on the phone that were entered using
either the IP phone UI or the Aastra Web UI
In the event of conflicting values set by the different methods, values are applied
in the following sequence:
1. Default values hard-coded in the phone software
2. Values downloaded from the configuration server
3. Values stored locally on the phone
The last values to be applied to the phone configuration are the values that take
For example, if a parameter’s value is set in the local configuration (via Aastra
Web UI or IP phone UI) and the same value was also set differently in one of the
<mac>.cfg/aastra.cfg files on the configuration server, the local configuration
value is the value that takes effect because that is the last value applied to the