3Com V7000 IP Phone User Manual

Bridge Permissions — Enables you set up your extension so that
up to four other users can receive your calls on their phone. After
configuring bridge permissions through the VCX User Interface,
Enabling Bridged Extensions for additional information. This
feature is not supported on Basic 3101 phones.
Bridged Phones — Displays up to four extensions that are
bridged to your phone. After configuring mappings through the
VCX User Interface, see
Enabling Bridged Extensions for additional
information. This feature is not supported on Basic 3101 phones.
You should not bridge an extension to a Basic phone (Model 3101)
because these phones have no programmable access buttons. Therefore,
these phones have no way of distinguishing a call to its extension and a
bridged call.
Button Mappings — Displays the default function associated
with each programmable button on your telephone. If permitted
by your administrator, you can assign a new function to a button
or assign a new value to a button function. For example, you could
reprogram a button to add another personal speed dial, or you
could change the number dialed for an existing speed dial button.
Assigning Access Button Functions Using the VCX User
Interface for more information.
Registrations — Lists all phones on which you are currently
logged in.
Passwords — Enables you to set the login password for your
phone extension. This password is also used for mailbox access and
must be synchronized with IP Messaging (see the VCX User
Interface online help). Passwords can be 4 digits to 9 digits. Only
the numbers from 0 through 9 are allowed and the first digit
cannot be 0. You cannot use the star (*) or pound (#) characters.
Date/Time — If you log in to a phone in another time zone, you
can use this option to update the VCX system with your current
time zone information. Also allows you to change the date/time
format, which is initially set by your administrator.
Calling Features
Personal Speed Dials — Allows you to set up personal speed dial
codes for up to 9 phone numbers.
System Speed Dials — Allows you to view the system-wide speed
dial numbers configured on your system by your administrator. You