
Call Pickup 69
Call Pickup Use the Call Pickup feature to answer a call that is ringing on another
There are two types of call pickup:
Directed Call Pickup — Allows you to answer a call ringing on the
phone of a specific user. Both you and the other user must be
members of the same Directed Call Pickup group. Each Directed Call
Pickup group is assigned a security code by the administrator. You
must enter this security code when using Directed Call Pickup to
answer a call.
Group Call Pickup — Allows you to answer a call ringing on the
phone of any user who is a member of a configured Group Call Pickup
group. A Group Call Pickup group is a collection of phones that allow
each member of the group to answer another member's calls. Your
administrator can also configure a Group Call Pickup group that
allows non-group members to answer a call ringing on a phone in the
If your telephone is part of a bridged extension, see Call Pickup and
Bridged Line Calls for additional information.
Directed Call Pickup To answer a call that is ringing on a specific user’s telephone:
1 Pick up the handset.
2 Press the Features soft button.
3 Scroll to Pickup, Directed.
4 Press Select.
5 Enter the group security code and press the #.
6 Dial the extension of the ringing telephone and press #.
The call is directed to your telephone.
Using One-Touch Pickup:
1 Pick up the handset.
2 Press the Access button that you have assigned to Directed Pickup.
3 Dial the extension number of the ringing telephone.