
Contents at a Glance
3. Specifying the Appearance of Geometries 35
csContext Overview 35
Changing the Context 39
Using csAppearance 40
Applying Textures to Geometries 42
Material Settings 51
Shade Model Settings 53
Transparency Settings 53
4. Scene Graph Nodes 55
What Is a Node 56
Leaf Nodes 57
Group Nodes 58
Setting the Values in Scene Graph Nodes 61
5. Building a Scene Graph 65
Creating Scene Graphs 66
Diagramming Scene Graphs 69
Altering Scene Graphs 73
Loading a VRML Scene Graph 74
Saving Scene Graphs 75
Troubleshooting Scene Graph Construction 75
6. Placing Shapes in a Scene 77
Creating a Sense of Depth 77
Transforming Shapes to New Locations, Sizes, and Orientations 79
7. Traversing the Scene Graph 83
Scene Graph Actions 83
The Order In Which Actions Are Passed Between Nodes 86
8. Lighting and Fog 89
Using Lights in Scenes 89
Limiting the Scope of Lights 92
Using Fog in Scenes 93