
About This Guide
Chapter 3, Specifying the Appearance of Geometries, describes the appearance
elds in csContext and csAppearance.
Chapter 4, Scene Graph Nodes, describes nodes and node types.
Chapter 5, Building a Scene Graph, describes how to build and edit a scene
Chapter 6, Placing Shapes in a Scene, describes how to place shapes in scenes.
Chapter 7, Traversing the Scene Graph, describes how an action traverses a scene
graph and a description of the actions available in Cosmo 3D.
Chapter 8, Lighting and Fog, describes how to use lights, change the shadow
modeling, and change the screen to one color. It also discusses fog, a new feature in
Cosmo 3D 1.1.
Chapter 9, Viewing the Scene, describes how to set up the viewport and how to
use cameras to view a scene.
Chapter 10, Scene Graph Engines, describes csEngine and the multiple subclasses
derived from it.
Chapter 11, Sensors, explains how to implement sensors. Sensors are used to
detect time passing and ointer device events.
Chapter 12, User Interface Mechanisms, discusses how to implement user
interaction using X window code, csWindow, and selection mechanisms.
Chapter 13, Multiprocessing, describes how to implement multiprocessing.
Chapter 14, Optimizing Rendering, describes the Cosmo 3D nodes and
programming techniques that can help optimize your applications performance.
Chapter 15, Adding Sounds To Virtual Worlds, describes how to set and play
sound using Cosmo 3D.
Appendix A, Cosmo Basic Types, discusses all of the basic types that are used in
other Cosmo 3D classes.
Appendix B, Cosmo 3D Sample Application, lists a complete sample application
and explains its components.
Appendix C, Cosmo 3D Class Hierarchy, shows the class hierarcy in Cosmo 3D.
These chapters and appendices are followed by an index.