
Chapter 10: Scene Graph Engines
csPositionInterpolator linearly interpolates between sets of values in a SFVec3f. This is
appropriate for interpolating a translation. The vectors are interpreted as absolute
positions in local space. The keyValue eld must contain exactly as many values as in the
key eld.
csPositionInterpolator Fields
csPositionInterpolator contains the following eld:
csMFVec3f* keyValue() const;
csSFVec3f value
keyValue() contains the oat values used for the scalar interpolation. The number of
elements stored in the value eld is equal to the number of elements in the keyValue()
eld divided by the number of elements in the key eld.
For more information about keyValue(), see, Interpolator Engine Terminology on
page 111.
csScalarInterpolator linearly interpolates between a set of csSFFloat values. This
interpolator is appropriate for any parameter that is dened with a single oating point
value, for example, width, radius, and intensity.
csScalarInterpolator contains the following elds:
csMFFloat keyValue[];
csSFFloat value;
For an explanation of keyValue(), see, Interpolator Engine Terminology on page 111.