
Appendix A: Cosmo Basic Types
csPlane represents a half space with a normal and an offset, which together form the
parameters of the traditional Ax + By + Cz = D plane equation.
The methods in the class allow you to
Determine the closest point on the plane to a point in space.
Determine whether or not it intersects with a csSeg.
Construct a plane from three points.
Construct a plane from a point and the plane normal at a point.
Transform the orientation of the plane.
csFrustum is a truncated, possibly asymmetric pyramid for the purposes of testing
objects against view volumes.
The methods in the class allow you to
Determine if a point or shape is in the frustum.
Copy the contents of the frustum.
Set and return the near and far clipping planes of the frustum.
Create an orthogonal frustum.
Transform the frustum.
Return the aspect of the frustum and the position of the camera.