
Scene Graph Construction Classes
The csShape Class
csShape nodes, derived from csNode, dene a textured geometry by associating a
csAppearance, which describes the look of a shape (such as its color), with a csGeometry,
which denes the dimensions of the geometry (such as whether the geometry is a cube
or sphere).
The csAppearance Class
A csAppearance contains elds to specify the material properties of a surface, including
transparency, color, and texture. csAppearance also provides some facilities borrowed
from OpenGL, like specifying whether the surface is drawn lled or in wireframe mode,
and the alpha and depth functions to use. csAppearance is associated with a csGeometry
container by a csShape, which contains elds for one appearance and a list of geometry.
The csGeometry Class
csGeometry encapsulates the geometric data to which a csAppearance can be applied.
For example, a csGeometry can dene a sphere onto which the texture of an orange can
be applied to create a realistic image of an orange. Together, csGeometry and
csAppearance combine to form a textured shape. csShape associates the two classes.